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Barbie Lauver's
The people, places and experiences that have formed the puzzle pieces of my life
Pieces of My Puzzle was originally created to share some of my experiences, stories, thoughts and resources on autism because I have a son with this diagnosis. For over a decade, my days and nights were spent passionately involved in the autism community through running a support group, joining many autism-related committees, and starting a nonprofit organization that encompassed opening a private autism school and an adult vocational & life skills center.
Although the world of autism will always be a huge part of my life, like most women, I wear a lot of hats throughout my day... as a mom, wife, sister, friend, domestic engineer, reluctant chef, and constant advocate. All of these experiences, whether good or bad, are life lessons to be learned, shared and celebrated. Therefore, as my life and the world around me constantly evolve, so will my blog.
I hope you enjoy reading my stories and that they provide you with ideas, encouragement, empowerment and perhaps some entertainment.
Every day we add another piece to our puzzle of life, and some day we will get to view the picture that it will reveal.
May your picture be colorful.
Barbie Lauver
Barbie Lauver
A Pittsburgh native who grew up in Las Vegas. Wife of 36 years and mother of two incredible young men.
Believes that...
Life is a gift and every moment should be savored. Mistakes are lessons to be learned. Challenges are hills to be climbed and conquered. Loving God, family, friends and self are all necessary to be happy and fulfilled.

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